Introduction to Screenprinting Weekend Course
In 2 days, we can take a person with absolutely no skills in screenprinting, and have them making art, coating screens, burning stencils, setting up a multicolour job and printing it. We break the process into 8 easy to learn steps, and give each participant lots of hands-on opportunity to learn them.
Advanced Screenprinting
CoursesA good screenprinter is constantly learning, trying to print better, or tackle new challenges. We offer advanced courses that focus on the needs of students in various areas. These include multicolour printing & registration, printing fine detail/process colour/halftones, printing 3D & challenging materials, quoting & pricing, shop management, teaching and more.
Traveling Courses for Advanced or Beginner Levels
Can’t make it to Squeegeeville on beautiful Vancouver Island? We can bring the course to you. Organize a small group in a studio space and we can work with you to present intro or advanced courses. We’ve even packed up a complete studio and shipped it to remote locations where all they had was running water and some electricity.
The Squeegeeville Art Print Experience
This course is designed for the artist who has some screenprinting skills and wants to learn and work at the same time, using the Squeegeeville studio and equipment. Working one on one, we get you familiar with the set-up and then set you loose to produce an edition. Enjoy one of the top travel destinations in the world, and walk away with a print run under your arm.
Need more specialized training?
Ask us about our consulting services.